Status: Implemented
Add support for generic function types in type functions to allow more types to be accepted by them, including tables and classes which might contain generic function types.
Generic functions are very common in Luau, especially when inferred by the typechecking engine. They are also often present in classes defined by the environment.
Omitting generic types from appearing in type functions limits their use. Today, even if there is no direct manipulation of generics, a serialization error appears immediately for any generic function or class containing them. Ideally, we want user-defined type functions to support any possible type, aside from temporary implementation-detail types of the type solver.
We will introduce a single ‘generic’ kind of runtime type for both generic types and generic packs.
While this doesn’t match up the typechecking engine representation directly, we avoid having to deal with two different userdata types. Since the value of a generic type or pack is not known upfront, assigning separate tags is not that different from having an extra property on it.
We already have variadic types (...number
) that get represented as a regular runtime type and only gain that special meaning when placed in a ‘tail’ spot.
We also have a different representation of a table with a metatable between type functions and typechecking.
There alternative representations were chosen to improve developer experience working with user-defined type functions based on the experience of people working on the type checker.
It is still compatible with potential extensions to have other kinds of type packs represented as types in the future.
Generics are created by specifying a name and a boolean marking it as a type or a pack. Generics that are coming from type inference might not have a display name, but still hold an auto-generated name internally.
Names are the way generic identity is specified. Generic types are immutable and two generics with the same name are equal, even if they are defined in different function type scopes.
For example, consider a type <T, U>(T, U, <T>(T) -> U) -> ()
From the typechecking perspective, inner and outer function ‘T’ types are different, but they are still represented by the same runtime generic named ‘T’.
The ambiguity is resolved based on the scoping of the generic in question. When the runtime type is returned back to the typechecking engine, only those generics that are in the current set of function type generic lists are allowed to be mentioned. Usage of ill-scoped generics will result in serialization errors. When the inner generic function list places the name ‘T’ again, it represents a different typechecking type and hides the outer ‘T’ until the scope of the inner type ends.
As such, generics are defined by their lexical scope, matching how they are written out in source code.
Just like in the syntax of the language, reusing the same generic name, even between types and packs in a single list results in a duplicate generic definition error.
Creating a function type with generic types and packs:
type function pass()
local T = types.generic("T")
local Us, Vs = types.generic("U", true), types.generic("V", true)
local f = types.newfunction()
f:setparameters({T}, Us);
f:setreturns({T}, Vs);
f:setgenerics({T, Us, Vs});
return f
type X = pass<> -- <T, U..., V...>(T, U...) -> (T, V...)
Creating a function type with a nested function type that reuses a generic name:
type function pass()
local T, U = types.generic("T"), types.generic("U")
-- <T>(T) -> ()
local func = types.newfunction({ head = {T} }, {}, {T});
-- { x: <T>(T) -> (), y: U }
local tbl = types.newtable({ [types.singleton("x")] = func, [types.singleton("y")] = U })
-- <T, U>(T, { x: <T>(T) -> (), y: U }) -> ()
return types.newfunction({ head = {T, tbl} }, {}, {T, U})
LibraryNew/Update | Library Functions | Return Type | Description |
New | generic(name: string, ispack: boolean?) |
type |
returns an immutable instance of a generic type or a pack; name cannot be empty |
Update | newfunction(parameters: { head: {type}?, tail: type? }, returns: { head: {type}?, tail: type? }, generics: {type}?) |
type |
New generic argument is added to specify generic types and packs in a single list |
InstanceNew/Update | Instance Properties | Type | Description |
Update | tag |
"nil" \| "unknown" \| "never" \| "any" \| "boolean" \| "number" \| "string" \| "singleton" \| "negation" \| "union" \| "intersection" \| "table" \| "function" \| "class" \| "thread" \| "buffer" \| "generic" |
Added generic as a possible tag |
instanceNew/Update | Instance Methods | Type | Description |
New | name() |
string? |
name of the generic; nil for inferred generics |
New | ispack() |
boolean |
true if the generic represents a pack, false otherwise |
instanceNew/Update | Instance Methods | Return Type | Description |
New | setgenerics({type}?) |
() |
sets the function’s generic types and packs list; types cannot follow a pack |
New | generics() |
{type} |
returns the function’s generic types and packs (in that order in the array) |
We can assign a different tag
to a generic pack instead of the ispack
It is also possible to split a single list containing both generic types and packs into two. This was done in an initial prototype implementation and was inconvenient to specify. One benefit was that list didn’t have to be split manually when reading types or packs individually.
Generics do bring additional complexity to type functions, especially with the way we can now hold a generic type pack as a separate item (while type T = U...
impossible to define in the syntax of the language).
The way they bring in lexical scoping considerations is also new for the type function runtime.