Disallow name T and name(T) in future syntactic extensions for type annotations


We propose to disallow the syntax <name> `(' as well as <name> <type> in future syntax extensions for type annotations to ensure that all existing programs continue to parse correctly. This still keeps the door open for future syntax extensions of different forms such as <name> `<' <type> `>'.


Lua and by extension Luau’s syntax is very free form, which means that when the parser finishes parsing a node, it doesn’t try to look for a semi-colon or any termination token e.g. a { to start a block, or ; to end a statement, or a newline, etc. It just immediately invokes the next parser to figure out how to parse the next node based on the remainder’s starting token.

That feature is sometimes quite troublesome when we want to add new syntax.

We have had cases where we talked about using syntax like setmetatable(T, MT) and keyof T. They all look innocent, but when you look beyond that, and try to apply it onto Luau’s grammar, things break down really fast.


An example that will cause a change in semantics:

local t: F

where today, local t: F is one statement, and (u):m() is another. If we had the syntax for F(T) here, it becomes invalid input because it gets parsed as

local t: F(u)

This is important because of the setmetatable(T, MT) case:

type Foo = setmetatable({ x: number }, { ... })

For setmetatable, the parser isn’t sure whether {} is actually a type or an expression, because today setmetatable is parsed as a type reference, and ({}, {}) is the remainder that we’ll attempt to parse as a statement. This means { x: number } is invalid table literal. Recovery by backtracking is technically possible here, but this means performance loss on invalid input + may introduce false positives wrt how things are parsed. We’d much rather take a very strict stance about how things get parsed.

F T?

An example that will cause a change in semantics:

local function f(t): F T
    (t or u):m()

where today, the return type annotation F T is simply parsed as just F, followed by a ambiguous parse error from the statement T(t or u) because its ( is on the next line. If at some point in the future we were to allow T followed by ( on the next line, then there’s yet another semantic change. F T could be parsed as a type annotation and the first statement is (t or u):m() instead of F followed by T(t or u):m().

For keyof, here’s a practical example of the above issue:

type Vec2 = {x: number, y: number}

local function f(t, u): keyof Vec2
    (t or u):m()

There’s three possible outcomes:

  1. Return type of f is keyof, statement throws a parse error because ( is on the next line after Vec2,
  2. Return type of f is keyof Vec2 and next statement is (t or u):m(), or
  3. Return type of f is keyof and next statement is Vec2(t or u):m() (if we allow ( on the next line to be part of previous line).

This particular case is even worse when we keep going:

local function f(t): F
    T(t or u):m()
local function f(t): F T
    {1, 2, 3}

where today, F is the return type annotation of f, and T(t or u):m()/T{1, 2, 3} is the first statement, respectively.

Adding some syntax for F T will cause the parser to change the semantics of the above three examples.

But what about typeof(...)?

This syntax is grandfathered in because the parser supported typeof(...) before we stabilized our syntax, and especially before type annotations were released to the public, so we didn’t need to worry about compatibility here. We are very glad that we used parentheses in this case, because it’s natural for expressions to belong within parentheses (), and types to belong within angles <>.

The One Exception with a caveat

This is a strict requirement!

function() -> () has been talked about in the past, and this one is different despite falling under the same category as <name> `('. The token function is in actual fact a “hard keyword,” meaning that it cannot be parsed as a type annotation because it is not an identifier, just a keyword.

Likewise, we also have talked about adding standalone function as a type annotation (semantics of it is irrelevant for this RFC)

It’s possible that we may end up adding both, but the requirements are as such:

  1. function() -> () must be added first before standalone function, OR
  2. function can be added first, but with a future-proofing parse error if < or ( follows after it

If #1 is what ends up happening, there’s not much to worry about because the type annotation parser will parse greedily already, so any new valid input will remain valid and have same semantics, except it also allows omitting of ( and <.

If #2 is what ends up happening, there could be a problem if we didn’t future-proof against < and ( to follow function:

  return f :: function(T) -> U

which would be a parse error because at the point of ( we expect one of until, end, or EOF, and

  return f :: function<a>(a) -> a

which would also be a parse error by the time we reach ->, that is the production of the above is semantically equivalent to (f < a) > (a) which would compare whether the value of f is less than the value of a, then whether the result of that value is greater than a.


Only allow these syntax when used inside parentheses e.g. (F T) or (F(T)). This makes it inconsistent with the existing typeof(...) type annotation, and changing that over is also breaking change.

Support backtracking in the parser, so if : MyType(t or u):m() is invalid syntax, revert and parse MyType as a type, and (t or u):m() as an expression statement. Even so, this option is terrible for:

  1. parsing performance (backtracking means losing progress on invalid input),
  2. user experience (why was this annotation parsed as X(...) instead of X followed by a statement (...)),
  3. has false positives (foo(bar)(baz) may be parsed as foo(bar) as the type annotation and (baz) is the remainder to parse)


To be able to expose some kind of type-level operations using F<T> syntax, means one of the following must be chosen:

  1. introduce the concept of “magic type functions” into type inference, or
  2. introduce them into the prelude as export type F<T> = ... (where ... is to be read as “we haven’t decided”)